Monday, May 14, 2007

Products are not made to last

People often complain that products are not made to last and they waste both natural and human resources. The usage of inferior raw materials for such products drive the costs down for consumer but is it really satisfying for a customer on a long run?

A product industry is mainly driven by customer's willingness to pay for a product. A cheap TV, I bought at walmart cost me one third the cost of a good quality TV. After an year, the picture went weak and quality showed significant deterioration. On the other hand, a good quality TV would easily come for more than 3 years without any significat degradation in quality. The cheap TV surely doesn't seem a good option, and with shorter life span, it is generating a lot more trash which is harmful to environment than it would if I were to go for a product that would last longer.

Lets take an example of automobile industry in US. The fastest growing automobile company in US, Toyota markets Carolla on its quality and dependability. The employees of Toyota surely take pride in manufacturing this product. Higher morale drives the company towards better products and innovation. On the contrary, the emplyees of a company making cheap cars show a great deal of despair due to increased customer resentment and complaints for their product. This is a good example of wasted human resource in companies making cheap cars.

That said, with a continuously increasing consumer market, we should aim at maintaining a good eco balance by reducing wastes either natural or human, and invest money in products that have better quality and last longer.

People often complain that products are not made to last. They feel that making products that wear out fairly quickly wastes both natural and human resources. However, this approach is best for everyone such manufacturing practices keep costs down for the consumer and stimulate demand

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